Friday, February 12, 2010

Some January Pics

  The locals all carry their babies in their bike baskets or balanced on the handlebars. They drive the golf carts with one arm wrapped around a baby and the other on the steering wheel. Somehow all of them seem to survive! We put Egan in the basket and he was SO not into it. We wear him on our bodies with the Ergo carrier when we bike (or walk or boat or ride in a golf cart).
  Egan REALLY not liking the basket idea.
  Egan imitating his father.
  Egan in his sleeper in the sand. No more cold nights since around the time this pic was taken (January 10).
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  1. To clarify (MOM): no, we do not ride with Egan in the basket. This was a photo op only!

  2. oops. i lied! now that we live here, Egan does ride in the basket. a sturdier one than in this picture but a basket all the same. he is soon to grow out of it, so i expect we will get a kid's bike seat for him in the near future.
