Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kid Stuff

We've taken so many photos of Egan and his friends over the last couple of weeks, I'm feeling the need to post a few.  Here goes...

Egan and Nolan playing in the sun at The Split

Getty and Egan got matching tricycles from Santa!  Not planned...

On the slide at the primary school across the street from us.  Here is Getty with a helpful playmate.

Egan had to be pried off the slide that night.

Everything glows this time of day! 

At the playground not too far from The Split.  See the water in the background?!

A couple nights ago with sunset and moon. 

Getty, Nolan and Egan were all there!

Just posin'


  1. Love it! I stole a couple and posted it on my wall!

  2. carmen: i noticed your thievery right away! and then i tagged myself on FB.

    suzy: we miss you too! visit?
